为天地立心,为生民立命。 为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。 --- 《横渠语录》
To ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth. To secure life and fortune for the people. To continue lost teachings for past sages. To establish peace for all future generations.
I'm a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Columbia University,
co-advised by Prof. Yunzhu Li (Columbia) and Prof. Shenlong Wang (UIUC).
My research interests lie in the intersection of Robot learning, Robot Vision and 3D Vision.
I received my master degree in Computer Science at Simon Fraser University, fortunately advised by Prof.
Angel Xuan Chang and Prof. Manolis Savva.
Prior to this, I received my Bachelor of Engineer & Bachelor of Science from the dual degree program between Zhejiang University and Simon
Fraser University.
Ph.D. Computer Science, Columbia University |
Remote Visiting Student, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Master of Science, Computer Science, Simon Fraser
University |
Bachelor of Science (First Class with Distinction), Dual Degree Program in Computer Science, Simon Fraser
University |
Bachelor of Engineering, Dual Degree Program in Computer Science, Zhejiang
University |
Working Experience
[Intern] Applied Computer Vision Engineer, DaoAI Robotics |
Teaching Experience
- [Fall 2022] - Teaching Assistant, Natural Language Processing, Simon Fraser Univerisy.
Research Activities
- Conference Reviewer: CVPR; ICCV; NeurIPS; ICLR; ICRA; ICML; IROS; ECCV; ACCV; 3DV
- Journal Reviewer: International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR); IEEE RA-L; RCIM
- Workshop Reviewer: Workshop on 3D Vision and Robotics (3DVR)@CVPR23; Visual Object-oriented Learning meets Interaction (VOLI)@ECCV22; Workshop on Semantic Reasoning and Goal Understanding in Robotics (SemRob)@RSS24
- Others: Student Volunteer@SIGGRAPH 2022
Honors and Awards
- [Jan 2023] - Helmut & Hugo Eppich Family Grad Scholarship for 2023 Spring, Simon Fraser University
- [Dec 2021] - Helmut & Hugo Eppich Family Grad Scholarship for 2022 Spring, Simon Fraser University
- [Oct 2020] - President's & Dean's Honour Roll (2020 Summer), Simon Fraser University
- [Jun 2020] - SFU Alumni Scholarship, Simon Fraser University
- [May 2020] - Undergraduate Open Scholarship for 2020 Summer, Simon Fraser University
- [May 2020] - President's & Dean's Honour Roll (2020 Spring), Simon Fraser University
- [Feb 2020] - Fortinet Undergraduate Scholarship in Computing Science and Engineering, Simon Fraser University
- [Jan 2020] - Undergraduate Open Scholarship for 2020 Spring, Simon Fraser University
- [Dec 2018] - Scholarship of Academic Excellence, Zhejiang University
- [May 2018] - SFU-Zhejiang University DDP Entrance Scholarship (2018 Fall and 2019 Spring), Simon Fraser University
- [Nov 2017] - National Scholarship, China
- [Nov 2017] - Scholarship of Academic Excellence, Zhejiang University

CS Ph.D. Student
Aug 2023 - Present
Columbia University
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